While I was waisting time looking on the net I came across a girl's blog that I really enjoyed. She got my attention because she was my age and in her picture she was wearing a white shirt and then a low-cut tank or dress, I couldn't tell it was just a head shot. Anyway, I was thinking to myself I wonder if she is LDS because she was being modest and that is how I would have worn the top. I know I'm a deep person, right. LOL. So anyway, I was reading her blog and insights and found that we have a lot in common. I am going to check back on her blog because I love to see how others are dealing with the same things I am.
For example, cooking-incorporating new recipes and healthier options in the home. Dealing with depression/anxiety/stress. Being a stay-at-home-Mom. Just overall trying to become better and better each day.
She has motivated me to do something that I have been avoiding-cleaning up my office/guest bedroom and get it organized. So I'm off...............................Pray for me that I get it done.LOL