Health Success





Monday, May 23, 2011

Not Staying the Course

This past weekend I indulged a little more than usual, I didn't drink enough water, and my exercise was low. So my weight loss for this week was only .8 lbs. I weighed in at 214 this morning. Granted it was a loss, but I do feel like next Monday will be a nicer weight loss because I am back on track with water intake and not over indulging. I will be traveling this week is the only thing that concerns me, but I am going to stay focused and do my best and leave the rest.

Along with traveling I will be using a different scale, so I'm not sure where I will start on that scale. So I am not going to freak out about next weeks weigh in weather good or bad. I will look at it as a starting point for my time with my family and expect to continue my 2 lbs loss from that point.

I do know this is a journey to be enjoyed. I am doing what I can to change my choices everyday. To be more active and eat wiser. I am enjoying life and enjoying my size now. I feel beautiful and know that as I get better I will become more of the person I see myself and others will see what I see.

Anyhow, CONSISTENCY is all anyone needs! seriously, it is the best thing to just get up and go, when you don't feel like it, just go through the motions. I guess where this doesn't work is when your just going through the motions days or more than the days you put your 200% into a workout. Yes it would be FABULOUS to make every single workout 100%, but sometimes it just doesn't workout that way.


Happy Monday Lovelies!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Meeting Goals!

It is an amazing feeling to meet your goals week after week! There have been some goals that I have fallen short on in these past weeks, but overall I am finally meeting my goals. I am putting myself and my goals first and nothing else gets done until I have done my duty for myself. This is the only way I can attain my goals. Otherwise I get to sidetracked, tired, busy, etc to focus on what I need to reach my goals.

Weigh in: 214.8 down 2 lbs exactly from last week! With my goals for this deployment being 2 lbs a week I am keeping in track with my goals. Would I like to see the numbers be larger-of course-but I am celebrating that I met my actual goal! yay!

Workouts: I have been consistent for the past 17 days about working out. Either in the gym, going for walks with the kids, or doing something at home. I feel so fantastic about this success. It is keeping my motovation to continue up too. I feel so good after my workout. I feel so sane and normal too. It is amazing what exercise does for the emotions.

Diet: I have been so good with portion control and not going overboard! Most days I stick to my 90/10 theory and have been really good on days I know I will be splurging at night. This has been so exciting for me because I am such a food nut, I am actually starting to act like one again. Eating the foods that I really love-like fruits and veggies. I know that this is the key to my life success. Finding the balance in my diet. I am getting there and I am on the right path. That is the best news of all this. You can't out exercise a bad diet! so true!

Also, I have been drinking nothing but water! I FEEL fabulous about it too! I don't crave the soda at all not tempting at all-what a freedom. I feel like a drug addict who doesn't need their crack anymore. YAY! I am a water snob though. I only like my filtered water like brita or pur I don't like to taste chemicals in my water or plastic. See water snob-LOL

Remember to have health success you need 4 things.
1) Diet
2) Strength
3) Flexabilty
4) Cardiovascular

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I am learning that I am directly effected by people. When I am with positive, happy people I feel that energy and I am happier for it. When I am with negative, unhappy people the energy is sucked out of me and I feel completely drained.

I try to keep myself as positive as possible without being fake. I try to always be authentic but positive. I also now know that I need to only spend my time with the same kind of people. I would rather spend my time alone with my kids than be around a bunch of unhappy women that want to complain about their husbands/work/lives/others/everything/everyone/etc.

I will help those who seek my help, but will not let others bring me down. I will be there when others need me, but I will not feel the need to be friends with everyone. My time and life is to precious to the ones I love to waste it with those who have no regard.

I will be comfortable and happy with me :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


Yep, I'm feeling that great! I had a wonderful lightly active weekend and this mornings weigh in 216.8! yay!! Down 2.2 lbs from last Monday. I am keeping my goal this week to 2 lbs again. I feel confident that if I just continue to be consistent with my workouts and keep my food journal and healthy choices I will keep up my 2 lb a week goal.

I was doing the math and for my 7th anniversary I will be very very close to my wedding weight. Wouldn't that be a great anniversary present to myself?! I am staying positive. I am speaking kindly to myself when I see myself in the mirror and I am speaking kindly to others. It is a wonderful feeling all this positivity.

I need to work on better menu planning and yummy eats. That is what I am working on this evening. Maybe if you are lucky I will take some pictures of my new recipes.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

This is my first Mother's Day without my husband. He isn't able to call me today either, so I will look forward to him calling within the next week :)

I was thinking today what it all meant to me and I know for me, I didn't appreciate my Mother fully until I had children of my own. Also, the more my children grow and challenge me the more I love my Mother! It's a feeling you just can't discribe.

I feel truly blessed to be a Mother. Our Father in Heaven has entrusted me with two of his special spirits. It is my responsibility to teach them as much as I know about Heavenly Father and their true meaning of being on this earth. Giving them the tools of prayer, scriptures, faith, and knowledge to guide them through this crazy life. There are always hiccups in the road where we fall off track or do things we know to be wrong, but knowing that our God is a kind and forgiving God and having the knowledge of how to ask and get forgiveness is an eternal gift.

Coming to earth is all about building the Kingdom of God. Doing God's will  can give us blessings beyond imagination and a deep understand of one's true potential. I do feel that most of us fall very short of our potential, myself included. I strive everyday to be the best I can be and I know that in return Heavenly Father gives me the blessings that will help me better understand Him and his will.

I hope that this Mother's Day you can thank all the women in your life who have influenced you for the good and set the example for you. I hope that you can feel humbled to know that God and his son Jesus Christ Love you. They will guide you, and carry you when you fall.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another re-do Project

Boring sad looking white board that I have had forever! Needed a makeover.

With a little hot glue and some cute ribbon and extra fun flower, I created this.

 Close up with the flower :)

Huge improvement-don't you think?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Yes, it is nice to be happy again! It is such a great feeling to feel the positive energy flowing around me and through me.

I had a great workout this morning. I felt a bit rushed but when I was working out I focused on the movements and didn't rush it at all, I maybe rushed my rest times, but I feel ok with that. Today's workout was NROL4W phase 1 B. I didn't have time for cardio afterwards and I don't know when I will get some in today, but I am going to try. Probably after the kids go to bed. I am keeping super busy and that is helping me with my depression issues. I need to be busy it helps my sanity!

Today I had a great visit with my therapist! I love her!! I feel so great after talking to her, I feel like everyone should have a therapist. She gave me some great tips to help me build my self esteem back.
1) each time I pass a mirror I need to look at myself and say out loud a sincere compliment. It can be about me as a person, looks, achievements, etc. It must be said OUT LOUD. I am going to start doing this and I am excited to see how this will help me feel better about myself.
2) Now that I have a plan and have decided in a general direction I want to go in life, when people ask I need to say with conviction Exercise Science/coaching! I want to help others that struggle the way I have. I want to help the youth reach dreams and goals they don't know how to on their own. I want to help poor people that can't afford a gym, or a trainer, or daycare so they can go to a gym, etc. I will become a whole health specialist. Teaching people how to enjoy real food, how to prepare it, how to find exercise that they love, how to live toxic free, and having the life they have been waiting for.

I'm not waiting anymore! I have been waiting and for what? Yes, I had kids, yes my husband's career is first right now, but I feel like it is my time now. And it has always been my time. I can always be learning and teaching myself, and I have, but I am going to do more! I am soooooo jazzed. Can you tell?!

I am a Whole Health Specialist who is getting her own life in order and back in a healthy state!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


My workout yesterday was A-Mazing! Why did I stay away from weight lifting for so long???
My whole body hurts, but a good hurt like my muscles remember what they are suppose to do. It feels really good to be back in the swing of things!

So yesterday I did New Rules of Lifting for Women Phase 1 workout A

Today I went on a 3 mile walk. This was wonderful because my legs are extreamly sore and tight from yesterdays lifting.

I am drinking 90+ oz of water a day. I actually drank over 120 oz yesterday, so I am feeling flushed out and fresh! No soda, don't even want it-at all. NICE! I need to figure out a better way for me to plan my dinners. I haven't found a method that works for me yet. I wanted to get a white board that would go on my fridge, but I haven't found a completly magnetic white board yet. I know they are out there I just need to keep searching.

So, all and all I feel pretty good about the next 30 weeks. This is week one and I know that I will have ups and downs still, but I feel like I'm in a good head space right now and I am going full speed ahead.

Monday, May 2, 2011

So many thoughts!

Bin Laden is dead!

I didn't get up early for my P90X
because I was up until 1 a.m. watching the news of Bin Laden. I hope that this is the domino needed to get some peace in the world. The people of the middle east have suffered enough and I feel like they deserve a break. Along with all the military from all the countries trying to help.

I had an AMAZING workout! Why did I stay so long away from weight training?! Seriously I feel so great and that feeling only makes me want to eat well and keep going. This is it. I will be going to the gym everyday, no matter how I feel!

Also, I weighed myself this morning and I am ashamed that I am back up to 219! I am putting the scale away and I will weigh in each Monday morning. I think this will help me push myself for that next weigh in.

I read a great article and it talked about doing your diet 90/10. 90% of the time you are 100% clean eating and 10% gives you the leeway to not feel like you are missing out with friends, family, etc. It takes planning and discipline just like anything else, but it also gives you the feeling of not going without. This theory works well for my brain. I know that I am going to a friends house to eat dinner tomorrow night. I don't know how she will prepare the food, so I will be good all day, and enjoy her home cooked dinner without any guilt. I will not overindulge because I only have 10% to use.

I am also tracking all of my food and exercise on sparkpeople again. I really enjoy tracking my food and water there.

I am finally doing what I know I should be doing, and practicing what I use to preach. I don't preach to anyone now because I am so ashamed of how I look.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Keeping busy

Two days down, 208 to go.

Really I have been keeping really really busy these two past days and the next week is slammed packed already. I know it will only get more full as the week pushes forward. I picked up a few items for Jeff's first package. I need to write a letter tonight and get it in the mail for pick up tomorrow.

The plan for tomorrow:
4:30 wake up start P90X Core Synergistic
5:30 make kids breakfast
5:50 wake kids
6:30 bus
7 am head to gym for weight training (NROL4W stage 1 A)
8:30 head to Jen's to clean her house (a surprise for her and her husband who are away at a family tragedy)
1030 pay bills
1330 cut grass
1500 bus
1630 dinner
1730 walk with kids
1830 kids bath
1900 kids bed
1930 Mommy time :)