Health Success





Friday, September 16, 2011

Where did my Motivation go?

I was on such a roll and then life comes in and sidetracks me and now I have no drive to get back on the horse. I was doing so well too! I am feeling hugely disappointed in what I have done while Jeff is gone and I know it is wrong to think this way, but it's true. I know I can make a major dent still if I get up and 'just do it'. But that's just it I HAVE TO DO IT. I love working out, I love running, I really do, but I don't like the cleanup. I can't do anything else in my day until I clean up. Anyway I am complaining instead of acting!

I will dust myself off and start again, because that's what we do. We try, try again! That is what is important, that we try again.

I miss my husband!!!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Off Track

Well, my best friends awesomely amazing baby shower took over every spare second of my life until now. It was last Saturday and I spent all this week getting my house back together and my son in school. Now I feel like I can refocus on losing some more weight and see how far I can get before Jeff gets home. Yes we are on like the 70 day count down to his return. Somewhere close to that anyway!! I am excited to see him and have him back, but at the same time I am feeling majorly disappointed in myself for all the things I have not done yet. Like I am seriously behind in my weight loss, I haven't saved as much money as I was hoping to, and I guess these are the two issues that always bug me! Why can't I be happy with what I have done, and why do I make these goals that I always seem to not meet. I make progress, but I don't meet the goal. Then I get frustrated by that. Then I hear others that have lost like 60 lbs in the time the guys have been gone and I think, what the hell is wrong with me, why can't I stay focused and get it together?!? Ultimately I just want to make myself and my husband proud of me.

I never started Insanity like I was planning to do. I am scared of it to tell you the truth! I am going to muster up the courage and do it though. I really really need to do it!

Ok, pitty party over. Let's get back to it!!!