Health Success





Thursday, July 10, 2008



School is being put off again because the new GI Bill was just passed and I can now use Jeff's benefits, but I have to wait until August 2009. Once we get it transferred to my name then I will start school again.

Body-for-life: I have already fallen off the bandwagon. BUT I have been consistent for the last 3 days in doing my cardio 2 a day! I am going to focus on just getting to the gym and getting in the cardio. I don't really want to build muscle right now. It is working because Saturday I was 203 and I am 200 even right now. I expect to be in the 190's by the end of the week FINALLY! I run on the treadmill for 3 miles or I swim for 30 minutes straight. I need a lap swimsuit really really bad, so I told myself that once I hit 190 I will buy myself a lap swimsuit. I am proving to myself that I am dedicated before I spend any money. Plus, Jeff said well at 180 I will buy you something else you really want and again at 170. SO, every 10 lbs will be new motivation.

Juicing: I have started juicing this week too. I don't eat enough fruits and veggies in the day and so I pulled out my VERY EXPENSIVE, USED ONLY 1 TIME Juicer. I figured it was about time I use the stupid thing. I do 1 cup of spinach, 10 grapes, 3 carrots, 2 celery stalk, and 1 apple. It is very very good. I really love it. I read somewhere that when you are new to juicing start sweet and slowly get more and more vegetably, if that makes any sense. It did to me. I am enjoying it so far and my machine is so easy to clean up. I know that helps.

Debt: Jeff and I are on a cash basis and this first go around was rough. I think this next paycheck won't be so bad, but I know that we are still adjusting. I am pushing through and I can't wait for the end results! It is and will be so worth it.

Micah: He is finally on a great schedule that we are both happy with. He is down to one long nap and that makes me very happy. I can get so much done and still have plenty of time to play and help him grow and learn. This week has been great.

Church: My new calling is ENRICHMENT LEADER. I am so excited! I love planning and doing events and getting all the women together. I have so many ideas and hopefully we will be able to use some of them. I can't wait to see what this calling has in store for me.

TEMPLE PREP CLASS-I have been invited to the Temple prep class and I am excited about this too. I don't know if I will go through the Temple without Jeff, it is something that I am still praying about, but it will be nice to learn about why the Temple is so important again. I could use a refresher course for sure. The Lord is blessing our family in so many ways and I am so grateful for the love that we feel.

Well, that is all for now. Off to finish laundry.

1 comment:

J-Mom said...

Wow, that's a lot of things. If you are still going forward with working out, that's awesome.

Juicing sounds cool, I have no expensive juicer hanging around. I no cash for expensive juicer. That was a no brainer with the go sweeter first---unfortunately I have used that philosophy in too many areas of food.

I feel sometimes we are just in a never ending debt situation. One day---one day the light will be here.

You are going to be great with that church calling. It can be so much fun.

I understand the temple dilemma. Prayer is the best for that. I was amazed when I got my answer, because I obviously didn't want to go without Cullen.