Health Success





Friday, December 30, 2011

Coming to a Close

My goal for 2011 was to survive and stay sane during my husbands deployment and lose weight, of course.

I did it! I survived! The kids survived! I did lose weight, but not all of it. Weight will always be an issue for me, this I now know. I am much stronger, enjoy myself at my current size, and work hard to get better each day, with minor setbacks of course. Life isn't perfect, and neither am I, but as my husband says I will always try to be, and I know that to be true. I do work hard to be perfect everyday.

I am grateful for my therapist who has helped me learn how to love and enjoy myself for who I am. To help me love the life I have and really really help me see just how blessed I am.

For 2012 I do have some very exciting things planned but I am preparing to go on a much needed vacation with my family, the big post deployment celebration to Florida!!! Fishing, Sea World, and family time!!!! What more could a girl want? NOTHING!

I love my dear internet friends! You are near and dear to me! I love my far away friends who keep up with my madness through this blog!!! You are near and dear to me as well!! I love my family and mostly I love myself. I stand up for myself, I am finding gumption, my voice, my courage, ME.

My next post should be my big news for 2012 ;)

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