Health Success





Tuesday, September 14, 2010


In my last post I said I would be back tomorrow, well as you can see that didn't happen. Mainly because my Mom has been here visiting and that was an event to say the least. Let's just say it went badly and she left early.

I am happy to be alone again especially after all the drama that ensued. I have some great new goals, but before I post them I want to get them down on paper and make an action plan.

I like my new Ward at Church. They will never be the great people in Cincinnati that I love so much, but they look to be great in their own way.

I still like the house we are in and I have about 90% of the boxes unpacked and put away. I have some organizing in the house to do, but that will come with time. I'm not that organized so it takes me a while to figure out what I want to do. When I open the boxes that are left in the garage I put the stuff away immediately. This way I don't have stuff laying around all over. The only stuff kind of laying around are things that need to be hung up. I am waiting for JEff to get here before I hang anything.

I have stopped nursing Carmen. The stress was effecting my milk supply and she just wasn't getting satisfied anymore. She is a much happier baby now that she is on solids and a bottle. I am very happy I was able to nurse her for 6 1/2 months. I wanted to go a year, but am happy with what I got.

Micah is not wanting to potty train right now. He can do it, he just doesn't want to. So we are waiting on that again, until he is ready. He does start Pre-school in the next week or so. It is FULL day!!! Crazy to think my 3 year old will be gone from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru Friday!! Very Crazy!!

That is all for now.Until next time. Push yourself and enjoy the journey!

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