Health Success





Saturday, May 14, 2011


I am learning that I am directly effected by people. When I am with positive, happy people I feel that energy and I am happier for it. When I am with negative, unhappy people the energy is sucked out of me and I feel completely drained.

I try to keep myself as positive as possible without being fake. I try to always be authentic but positive. I also now know that I need to only spend my time with the same kind of people. I would rather spend my time alone with my kids than be around a bunch of unhappy women that want to complain about their husbands/work/lives/others/everything/everyone/etc.

I will help those who seek my help, but will not let others bring me down. I will be there when others need me, but I will not feel the need to be friends with everyone. My time and life is to precious to the ones I love to waste it with those who have no regard.

I will be comfortable and happy with me :)

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