Health Success





Friday, January 7, 2011

Top 5

Today I heard something that I needed to hear. To spend my time working on/with my top 5 priorities. So I got to thinking what is my top 5 priorities??????? When it comes down to it, what really matters to me. As of today this is what I think my top 5 are and my 2011 will be spent within these 5 things *cross fingers*

1- God/Spirituality
2- Family
3- Taking care of Myself
4- Dear Friends
5- Helping others

These are overly general in my opinion, but I am going to meditate on this further and refine it a bit better.

What are your top 5 priorities? Are the activities you spend during the day focused on those top 5? If not re-evaluate now. This helped me reevaluate my whole day!


Anonymous said...

Good 5... and well rounded.

I would say mine are...
1. kids
2. hubby
3. me
4. everyone else
5. my loud dog :)

God, health, and a clean house are all intertwined in 1-3.

Carolyn said...

Hmm. I'd have to say that my top 5 priorities are similar to yours. Or at least ideally they would be. I really feel like my priorities are all out of order right now and I'd probably be a lot more content if I'd get them straighten out! So here's what I think mine should be:
1. God/Christ/Spirituality
2. Taking care of my emotional and physical health.
3. Family
4. Helping others
5. Continue learning

I think the only reason I need to put taking care of myself above my family is because right now I'm really struggling with emotional stability. And until I can get that addressed and under control, I can't be the best mother and wife that I can be. Thanks for getting us thinking about our priorities. :)