Health Success





Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Up and At EM, again

It was still hard to get up this morning! I hope that changes.

P90X-Cardio X is done, whahooo

Planning on going for a walk this afternoon about 4 miles.
Gym tonight to lift

My weekly weigh in day is tomorrow, but I weighed myself today and I'm at 213.8-2 lbs lower than yesterday, so I'm moving in the right direction. I hope to continue stellar weight loss by working out 3 times a day and eating right. I didn't sit down yesterday until after dinner. I was waiting to go to the gym, and even then I kept getting up to do things. Now I see how people don't have time for TV. I have always wanted to be that person, never having time or wanting to waste my time with TV. It seems that is more possible now.

I have lots of cleaning to do today and grocery trip, so see ya tonight!

Food for thought: When reaching for a goal, everyday counts until you reach that goal-Balanced Bites Nutrition (they are on my favorites links on the side-check em out)


Kathy said...

That's a lot of working out. Be careful that you don't burn yourself out. Your motivation is awesome!

Jeff and Natalie Perez said...

Kathy- I have thought about that. I am listening to my body and will back off if I feel like it is getting to hard. I just needed to commit completely to working out until I get some great results then I will tone it down some. I'm just sick with myself and hella motivated-so I'm cashing in :)