Health Success





Monday, January 31, 2011

I Need an Intervention!

Seriously! Here it is the end of January and I am no closer to any of my goals than I was 6 months ago. I can't stick to anything I say I'm going to do for longer than a week. I know what I am suppose to do, I know what I want to do, but I'm not doing it. HELP! I'm thinking about getting psychological help at this point because I can't keep going like this. There are a million and one excuses I could give myself, but there are many people out there in the same or worse situation and they don't give up on themselves. Yes, I am stronger and yes my clothes fit better, but I don't want fit better, I want loose! Like so loose I have to get rid of them. Like Goodbye forever!

My problem comes down to consistency. If anything changes in my schedule it throws me off and I have a really rough time getting back on track, or even finding a new track for that matter.

I feel like my two biggest hurdles are 1- consistency and 2-childcare. Last week I had to wait anywhere from 20 min to an hour just to get baby girl into the childcare room, then I could go workout. The weather here is starting to warm up and when it does then I will be outside with her and I don't have to worry about childcare, but I wanted to be well on my way to my goal before it warmed up!!!

My poor husband doesn't know what to do for me because when he tries to help I get defensive and bite his head off. So he just takes a backseat and helps when he can. Plus, he is preparing to leave soon so he has alot on his own plate right now. I am feeling so stuck right now. Stuck at my weight, stuck in my life, stuck....I am happy with my life, but not fully satisfied if that makes any sense at all. The only person who can change that is myself. I right now I'm not a very good representative of the life that I want to teach others to have. That of health and fitness.

On top of all this I am extremely home sick. I miss my family so much! I hate living a whole world away from them. Especially right now while I am going through so much. I have amazing friends around me don't get me wrong, but family is forever and mine really feels the same and we help each other out so much.

See I'm a wreck! Ok, sob story over.....The point is I need something, someone, I need help.............


Carolyn said...

I'm going to email you Natalie.

Unknown said...

Oh sweetie! You have SO much going on right now. Maybe you are trying to do too much too soon? I know you have your hands full at home & getting ready for hubby to leave too. Please give yourself a break & don't beat yourself up.

I'm here though if you need me. You can email any time if you want too! I'm up in the middle of night so can catch up more easily!

I do understand how you feel though & have been there. I'm expanding even while eating well & it's stressing me out so much but I know that I can only do what I can do, make the right choices & do my best knowing things will work out just as they are supposed to.

Big hugs, much love & will say some prayers for you too!!!!!

Kathy said...

I feel you pain girl! I went through years and years and years and years of starting over and over and over and over. The only thing that worked for me was changing one thing at a time, perfecting it and moving onto the next thing. It also helped to be able to put stuff that didn't work for me to rest. Over the past 2 years I have started and stopped a lot of things. Somethings worked for a while but not in the long run while others didn't work at all while others are still working for me now. Don't get discouraged. You'll get it!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ~ Matthew 11:28-30