Health Success





Thursday, April 7, 2011

Your Fired!

Those are the words our government needs to hear! The government shut down that may or may not happen tomorrow would mean that mine and many other spouses have to put their lives in danger AND NOT GET PAID! All the while the STUPID UNDECIDED ALTER MOTIVE CONGRESS AND PRESIDENT WILL GET PAID. Sound fair to you? Me either!

Not to mention the THOUSAND of other government workers that will not get paid!

Our system is so broken, I don't ever see it getting fixed! It's like we have lost our American Spirit. We no longer look after each other, we only look after ourselves and those who will help us gain something.

While my family won't be able to put food on the table and pay our bills like responsible citizens, I bet the welfare checks will still be cut! So because we live $200 above the poverty line and don't qualify for any government aid because once again we are being responsible citizens WE WILL SUFFER. And because we are in the military and are stationed at a base we are no where near family who could maybe help us.

This shut down is going to cause a HUGE snowball effect! Think of all the small business' that will have to close its doors because people have no money to go out and spend. Think of all the resturaunts, tourist cities, and the list could go on.

Come on CONGRESS get your SHIT together and AGREE or MAKE COMPROMISES. We all have to! I feel like instead of a SHUTDOWN, congress must meet and stay together until the compromise is met! I don't care how long they are away from their families. I don't care how long they don't shower. At least their family knows they will be paid and be able to put food on the table.

I am so ANGRY! Our Country has failed us!!

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