Health Success





Monday, May 10, 2010


Well, last week was a bust! I had two great days of staying on track with my food and then, I don't know what happened. I had soda, crap food, and minimal vegetables. Needless to say, I feel like crap actually. I feel heavy and my system feels like it needs a clean out or something.

I joined sparkpeople on suggestion from a couple of friends, but one friend blogged about the blackberry application and I was sold. I have been looking for an app for my blackberry where I could track my water intake and fitness, but it also does calories. It is pretty awesome! As soon as I joined I committed to make today a better day. So, I am following the meals. I already went grocery shopping and the meal plans are on the fridge. I am looking forward to some of the meals, they are things that I like and just haven't eaten in a while. It should be good.

As far as my workouts are going, I had a bit of a scare on Friday. I was in the middle of my workout, mid-pull on the row machine and I felt a 'pop' in my head on the left side. As soon as that happened I had a HUGE migraine and blurred vision. I have NEVER had anything like this happen to me before and I have been lifting for over 15 years. I got the kids from the nursery and went to the car to call my hubby. I was freaked out. Jeff came to the YMCA to check on me and make sure I was ok. I didn't want to rush to the hospital, I wanted to feel it out. He gave me some Motrin and I just kept on drinking water. My vision came back so I decided I could drive home and if I started to get worse I would just call Jeff at work or 911 depending on how I felt. Luckily, I started feeling better during the day. I'm a bit hesitant to get back to lifting, so I think I am going to focus on my cardio for a bit.

Last week I started running a little on my walks and so I am going to start incorporating more running. Along with running I am going to do some videos at home.

Vacation is a month away and I am so far from where I want to be, but I know I don't want to be here when we go either. I just need to keep trekking forward. My goal is to get out of these size 18 pants and into 16. that will open up a lot more wardrobe options for me as well.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

That is kind of scary! I hate it when you hurt something when you are working out, I've never popped something like that before. The running will help. I did some running in the fall when the weather was really nice and it felt really good. It will take a while, so just try to stay positive and not beat yourself up.