Health Success





Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Organic and 34 Days

I am a huge supporter of buying organic food. Not feeding myself and my family a bunch of pesticides and chemicals is very important to me. There are many many more reasons out there (the Internet) you can research them, but here is some food for thought for ya:

If a bug doesn't want to eat the food, why would you??

Anyhow, support your local farmer, join a community supported agriculter (CSA), or check out your local Coop. From the mouth of Micheal Pollan "Eat food, mostly plants, not to much."

My day has been ok. I am very tired! Carmen is having sleeping issues because of teething; therefore I am not getting much rest at all. I did a 30 minute plyometrics workout and hopefully I can go for a run once the kids go to bed tonight.

All this exercise has been great for the 'spark' in my marriage. My husband has been walking around with a smile on his face lately. :) One more reason to incoperate exercise into my day.

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