Health Success





Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 6

My day six was yesterday. I did well until dinner time and then my husband ordered pizza for dinner. I was in the kitchen going to make my shake and he just kept pushing and pushing for me to just eat one piece. It was hard to resist. Really hard, and I eventually gave in and had TWO pieces.

 Pizza is so good and then to have someone pushing you to just eat a piece. ANYWAY. I know that this is real life and this will happen but I am mostly upset that I continue to get sabotaged from the person I am closest to. It is as if he isn't supporting me through this journey. I need supportive people helping me and pushing me and challenging me to be better. He likes to criticize me and then sabotage me. WTF???

So this is what I now know. During the week it will be easiest for me to stay on track. The weekend will be hard. I need to be super busy on the weekends to keep myself from failing and also allow myself one meal once a week where I don't stress. I need to save this meal for the time that I do slip up. I don't want to say I have a free meal and then use it early in my week and then have another free meal. I want to succeed this time. I want this so bad. I am ready for the change in my body and a healthier me. I have been talking about it far to long and really want results to reflect how I feel inside.


Kathy said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. Also, just a to your husband about supporting your goals. I'm sure he didn't intend to send you off track but his support with eating would go a long way.

Jeff and Natalie Perez said...

Thanks Kathy- I agree that his support would go a long way, but I don't see it happening. It is a crack in my marriage that I am currently dealing with. :/

I am over the two pizza slices, lol. I just really want to succeed this time. It is time for me to be outside who I feel is inside.